Permanent easement - Activities that require periodic or ongoing use of the Section 4(f) resource require permanent easements.  With permanent easements, the land within the easement is not necessarily changed or altered.  Examples may include permanent placement of a strucutre such as a culvert or maintenance access. Temporary easement - Temporary easements are commonly used during the construction phase of a project and assumed to be of a relatively short duration.  They may not be considered a Section 4(f) use depending on a number of conditions, including limited time needed for easement, no change in ownership, no temporary or permanent adverse changes to the land, and involvement of minor portions of the overall resource. Fee simple - Fee simple deals with the permanent taking of lands for transporation purposes.  This involves the conversion, and potential alteration, of the land from a Section 4(f) resource to property within a highway right-of-way.
