Improvements - Under the improvement alternative, the existing 2 twelve-foot lanes are improved to a 4 eleven-foot lane system.  This option utilizes the existing shoulders to increase the lane capacity without extending the right-of-way, thereby avoiding a use of the adjacent Section 4(f) resource.  If this alternative does not meet the project purpose and need, and other project goals, then it is also not a viable alternative. Avoidance Alternative - In this scenario, the roadway is shown as relocated or as a new alignment.  This type of alternative avoids the Section 4(f) resource shown.  However, whether or not it is a feasible and prudent avoidance alternative depends on what other resources are impacted instead.  Just avoiding Section 4(f) resources does not result in a feasible and prudent avoidance alternative.  As discussed in the Avoidance and Minimization section, comparing impacts to various resources is a balancing act weighing the significance of different impacts, including impact to Section 4(f) resources. No Build Alternative - The No Build alternative provides no changes to the existing roadway profile.  Any changes are minor and may be limited to adding signs or signals along the roadway.  However, no changes to the roadway profile are proposed that would alter the existing right-of-way.  This alternative may not address the purpose and need for the project and therefore would not be a viable alternative.
