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Roadside Use of Native Plants


The help of so many people has made this handbook possible:

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) thanks the seventeen respected authors who agreed with the goal enough to contribute their views relevant to the use of native plants as problem solvers. Asked to communicate their knowledge to roadside decision- makers, their views are valuable to the science and practice of roadside vegetation management. The seventeen included: John Kartesz, Larry Morse, Peggy 0lwell, Evelyn Howell, Darrel Morrison, William Niering, Kirk Henderson, Wayne Pauly, Ira Bickford, Bill Johnson, Reed Noss, Wayne McCully, John Randall, Sarah Reichard, Randy Westbrooks, Baird Callicot and Gary Lore.

We also thank Maria Urice of the National Wildflower Research Center who identified plants native in each State. We thank her and her organization for compiling the initial plant lists. The FHWA thanks Eishenhower student Don Jacobovitz, who contributed pieces of his graduate work to the making of this book.

Editor, Bonnie L. Harper-Lore

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