Oregon Department of Transportation
Region [Insert Region #]
[Insert Street Address]
[Insert City], OR [Insert zip code] |
Mr. David Cox, Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
530 Center Street NE, Suite 100
Salem, OR 97301
Re: SAFETEA-LU 6002 notification of project initiation on [Insert Project Name]
Dear Mr. Cox:
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) in cooperation with [Insert names of joint lead agencies] is initiating the environmental review process as required by SAFETEA-LU 6002 for an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed [Insert Project Name] Project. This is a [insert type of work] project proposed in [Insert name of County and closest City or specific area if within a large metro area]. The proposed project is approximately [Insert length] and is located between [Insert cross streets or mileposts] on [Insert name of State Highway] (a project vicinity map is attached). The purpose of the project, as currently defined, is to [Insert Basic Statement of the Project's Purpose and Need].
Pursuant to Section 6002 of SAFETEA-LU, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) must serve as the lead Federal agency for this project, and ODOT [list other joint leads as appropriate] will serve as a joint lead agency. The responsibilities of the lead agencies are to:
- Establish a list of potentially participating and cooperating agencies
- Prepare and send invitations to potentially participating agencies
- Develop a SAFETEA-LU 6002-compliant Coordination Plan [and schedule]
- Provide opportunities for the public and participating agencies involvement in defining purpose and need and range of alternatives
- Consult with participating agencies in determining methodologies and the level of detail for the analysis of alternatives.
ODOT and [Insert names of joint lead agencies] is also requesting that the attached (draft) Notice of Intent (NOI) for the [Insert Project Name] project be modified as needed and submitted for publication in the Federal Register. Please consult with ODOT on any needed modifications to the NOI prior to submitting it for publication.
In addition to an EIS, ODOT anticipates that this project will require [list anticipated federal approvals and permits anticipated to be necessary for the proposed project].
If you have any questions on the attached NOI or would like to discuss in more detail the [Insert Project Name] or the SAFETEA-LU 6002 process as it pertains to this project, please contact [Insert Contact Name and Phone Number — likely the project Environmental Project Manager, Project Leader, or Area Manager].
Thank you for your cooperation and interest in this project.
Region Manager or Area Manager — whoever signs the EISs
Enclosure — Attach a map of the project location and attach any of the following if they have already been prepared: NOI, Coordination Plan, list of agencies that were invited to participate and indication of how they responded.