Oregon Department of Transportation
Region [Insert Region #]
[Insert Street Address]
[Insert City], OR [Insert zip code] |
Mr. David Cox, Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
530 Center Street NE, Suite 100
Salem, OR 97301
Re: SAFETEA-LU 6002 notification of project initiation on [Insert Project Name]
Dear Mr. Cox:
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) in cooperation with [Insert names of joint lead agencies] is initiating the environmental review process as required by SAFETEA-LU 6002 for a [Insert Type of Environmental Document] for the proposed [Insert Project Name] Project. This is a [insert type of work] project proposed in [Insert name of County and closest City or specific area if within a large metro area]. The proposed project is approximately [Insert length] and is located between [Insert cross streets or mileposts] on [Insert name of State Highway] (a project vicinity map is attached). The purpose of the project, as currently defined, is to [Insert Basic Statement of the Project's Purpose and Need].
Pursuant to Section 6002 of SAFETEA-LU, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) must serve as the lead Federal agency for this project, and ODOT [list other joint leads as appropriate] will serve as a joint lead agency. The responsibilities of the lead agencies are to:
- Establish a list of potentially participating and cooperating agencies
- Prepare and send invitations to potentially participating agencies
- Develop a SAFETEA-LU 6002-compliant Coordination Plan [and schedule]
- Provide opportunities for the public and participating agencies involvement in defining purpose and need and range of alternatives
- Consult with participating agencies in determining methodologies and the level of detail for the analysis of alternatives.
In addition to a [Insert Type of Environmental Document], ODOT anticipates that this project will require [list anticipated federal approvals and permits anticipated to be necessary for the proposed project].
If you have any questions or would like to discuss in more detail the [Insert Project Name] or the SAFETEA-LU 6002 process as it pertains to this project, please contact [Insert Contact Name and Phone Number — likely the project Environmental Project Manager, Project Leader, or Area Manager].
Thank you for your cooperation and interest in this project.
Region Manager or Area Manager — whoever signs the EISs
Enclosure — Attach a map of the project location and attach any of the following if they have already been prepared: NOI, Coordination Plan, list of agencies that were invited to participate and indication of how they responded.