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Environmental Review Toolkit


Date: May 23, 1977
Subject: Negative Declaration/Section 4(f) Statement for Independent Bikeway or Walkway Construction Projects
From: Federal Highway Administrator
To: Regional Federal Highway Administrators, Regions l-10, and Regional Engineer, Region 15

In order to reduce processing time and delays, we have prepared a negative declaration/Section 4(f) statement and determination (copy attached) to cover those independent bikeway and pedestrian walkway projects (FHPM 6-1-l-l) which require the use of recreation and park areas. This approved document should be distributed to Division Offices and State highway agencies for their use.

A draft of the negative declaration/Section 4(f) statement was published - in the Federal Register (42 F.R. 15394) on March 21, 1977, inviting interested persons to comment. No major adverse comments were received during this commenting period. The majority of letters received were favorable and recommended approval of the document.

This environmental document will not relieve the Division Administrator from reviewing the impacts, mitigation measures, location, and design of individual bikeways. If there are any unusual circumstances (major impacts or controversy), a separate Section 4(f) statement and environmental document (EIS or negative declaration) should be considered for the individual project. It is likely that most projects which do not involve Section 4(f) properties would be nonmajor actions and would not require a formal environmental document.

It is also important to obtain approval from the official having specific jurisdiction over the Section 4(f) property that the project is acceptable and consistent with the designated use of the property, and that the location and design have been accomplished in a manner that will not cause hafm to the property. A copy of the negative declaration/Section 4(f) statement, along with the approval letter from the official, should be placed in the individual project file. If you have any question concerning the subject document, please contact the Environmental Review Branch, (202) 426-0106, in the Office of Environmental Policy.

L. P. Lamm
for William M. Cox