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Environmental Review Toolkit

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Appendix A. Flowcharts of Section 4(f) Process and Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Determination Process for Historic Properties, Parks, Recreation Areas, and Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges

Section 4(f) Process

Flowchart of the Section 4(f) process, including coordinating with officials with jurisdiction, identifying eligible properties, determining whether Section 4(f) properties are used, determining and evaluating alternatives , preparing a draft, distributing copies, and preparing the Final Evaluation.


Section 4(f) De Minimis Impact Determination Process for Parks, Recreation Areas, and Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges

A physical or constructive
use of a Section 4(f) resource?
Constructive Use
Section 4(f) Evaluation
Physical Take      

Include impact avoidance,
minimization, and mitigation
measures in consultation with
the official(s) with jurisdiction.

Impact avoidance, minimization, and mitigation or
enhancement measures may be required to reduce
adverse impacts to the de minimis level.

The de minimis impact finding requires all possible
planning to minimize harm and is performed in
consultation with the official(s) with jurisdiction.

Adverse effects on activities,
features, and attributes of the
Section 4(f) resource?
Section 4(f) Evaluation


Public notice and opportunity for
review and comment.

Public notice and opportunity for review and
comment is required through the NEPA or other
public involvement process, at an appropriate stage
of the determination process.

Obtain written concurrence of
official(s) with jurisdiction.

The written concurrence of the official(s) with
jurisdiction with the determination that there are no
adverse effects to the activities, features, and
attributes of the property is required.

Document the de minimis impact
finding, mitigation, and other
measures to minimize harm.
Section 4(f) Complete