Image description is represented by a table after the image.
USACE 404 |
USCG Bridge |
Services ESA |
Other (as needed) |
Develop Project Plan & Schedule |
NOI & Scoping (DOT; ongoing process) |
Pre-Application (UACE; ongoing process |
Provide Waterway Data (USACE/DOT; ongoing process) |
Application Process (USCG; ongoing process) |
Technical Assistance/Preliminary Species List (ESA; Ongoing process) |
Insert milestones as needed for other Federal, State, Tribal, or local reviews (Other; ongoing process) |
Checkpoint 1: Purpose & Need |
NOI & Scoping (DOT; ongoing process) |
Pre-Application (UACE; ongoing process) |
Preliminary Navigation Determination (USCG; action) |
Application Process (USCG; ongoing process) |
Technical Assistance/Preliminary Species List (ESA; Ongoing process) |
Insert milestones as needed for other Federal, State, Tribal, or local reviews (Other; ongoing process) |
Checkpoint 2: Range of Alternatives |
NOI & Scoping (DOT; ongoing process) |
Pre-Application (UACE; ongoing process) |
Application Process (USCG; ongoing process) |
ESA Section 7 Consultation (ESA; ongoing process)
Submit BA (DOT; action) (either before or after “Publish DEIS/Comment Period/Preferred Alternative”)
Insert milestones as needed for other Federal, State, Tribal, or local reviews (Other; ongoing process) |
Publish DEIS/Comment Period/Preferred Alternative |
FEIS Prep (DOT; ongoing process) |
Jurisdictional Determination (USACE; action)
Submit Application (DOT; action)
Public Notice of Navigation (USCG; action) |
Application Process (USCG; ongoing process) |
ESA Section 7 Consultation (ESA; ongoing process) |
Insert milestones as needed for other Federal, State, Tribal, or local reviews (Other; ongoing process) |
Checkpoint 3: Preliminary LEDPA/Conceptual Mitigation/Final Biological Opinion |
FEIS Prep (DOT; ongoing process) |
Adjudicate Navigation Comments (USCG; action) + Public Notice of Navigation (USCG; action) |
Address Environmental Comments (DOT; action) + Application Process (USCG; ongoing process) |
Submit Revised BA as needed (DOT; action)
Concurrence Letter/Biological Opinion (ESA; action)
Insert milestones as needed for other Federal, State, Tribal, or local reviews (Other; ongoing process) |
Publish FEIS/USACE Public Notice |
ROD (DOT; action) |
ROD/Permit Decision (USACE; action) |
ROD (USCG; action) + Application Process (USCG; ongoing process)
Complete Application (DOT; action) + Application Process (USCG; ongoing process)
Permit Decision (USCG; action)
Decision (Other; action) |