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Environmental Review Toolkit

State Section 106 Programmatic Agreement


WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides and administers funds to the State of Louisiana (hereinafter State’s apportioned federal funds) through the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) as authorized by 23 U.S.C. 104(b); and

WHEREAS, the FHWA has determined that State’s apportioned federal funds may be used for eligible projects related to the bridges in Louisiana (as described in Stipulation II.(3)) that are listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) (hereinafter historic bridges). The FHWA acknowledges that these projects may have an adverse effect on historic bridges; and

WHEREAS, the FHWA is responsible for assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (Section 106) (54 U.S.C. 306108) in accordance with regulations outlined in 36 CFR 800 and State’s apportioned federal funds; and

WHEREAS, 36 CFR Section 800.14(b) permits federal agencies to fulfill their obligations under Section 106 through the development and implementation of programmatic agreements; and

WHEREAS, the LADOTD has participated in Section 106 consultation, owns and maintains certain historic bridges, has primary responsibilities under this Programmatic Agreement (PA), and has been invited to be a Signatory Party to this PA; and

WHEREAS, the FHWA has consulted with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office (LASHPO) pursuant to regulations found at 36 CFR 800.14(b) implementing Section 106 and both agencies have agreed to sign this PA as Signatory Parties; and

WHEREAS, the FHWA is also responsible for assuring compliance with Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act and will fulfill those responsibilities through activities that are separate from this PA;

WHEREAS, the FHWA formed a Historic Bridge Inventory (HBI) Committee that included representatives from the FHWA, LADOTD, and LASHPO to assist in the development of a comprehensive Historic Bridge Inventory to assist in the advancement of this PA; and

WHEREAS, the LADOTD recognizes the state’s engineering heritage manifest in its historic bridge population through its commitment to fulfill the public outreach, interpretation, documentation, and stewardship stipulated in this PA; and

WHEREAS, inventory efforts resulted in identification of pre-1971 bridges that are listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register, identified as historic bridges; and

WHEREAS, this PA defines procedures to be followed for historic bridges based on three treatment categories: Preservation Priority, Preservation Candidate, and Non-Priority; and

WHEREAS, the LADOTD has committed to the preventative maintenance, preservation, and/or rehabilitation of 20 LADOTD-owned Preservation Priority Bridges for the duration of this PA and to adhere to the Stipulations outlined in this PA; and

WHEREAS, subject to the availability of funds, the LADOTD intends to fulfill its commitments herein when taking actions regarding Preservation Priority Bridges whether or not the State’s apportioned federal funds are used, including when Section 106 requirements do not apply; and

WHEREAS, the LADOTD has notified the non-LADOTD owners of 13 Preservation Priority Bridges that such bridges must be retained in long-term use and that they must adhere to the Stipulations outlined in this PA to remain eligible for State’s apportioned federal funds; and

WHEREAS, non-LADOTD owners including the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism and three parishes (East Baton Rouge, Terrebonne and St, Tammany) have been invited to participate in Section 106 consultation; and

WHEREAS, Section 106 consultation for this PA included participation by the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, the Foundation for Historical Louisiana, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Historic Bridge Foundation, and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and these parties are Consulting Parties and have been invited to sign as Concurring Parties; and

WHEREAS, the LADOTD notified federal agencies with a known interest in bridge projects, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service (NPS), and U.S. Forest Service, and received no response; and

WHEREAS, the FHWA notified federally recognized Tribes with an interest in Louisiana to solicit interest in participation in Section 106 consultation for this PA and received no responses; and

WHEREAS, the LADOTD notified and solicited views of more than 500 public and local agencies, including state representatives, municipalities, and planning organizations; and responding interested parties received periodic project updates; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the FHWA, ACHP, LASHPO, and LADOTD agree that the following Stipulations will be implemented for FHWA undertakings in the State of Louisiana that involve historic bridges.


The FHWA, with the assistance of the LADOTD, will ensure that the measures described in this Stipulations Section are carried out.

I. Purpose

This PA sets forth the process by which the FHWA will meet, with the assistance of the LADOTD, its responsibilities for historic bridges within Louisiana.

II. Applicability

This PA specifies measures intended to identify, avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate effects on historic bridges only and is specifically applicable or not applicable to projects as follows:

  1. This PA applies to historic bridges as identified in Attachment 1, which lists bridges and outlines their type, treatment category, and ownership.
  2. This PA does not apply when projects are proposed for non-historic bridges unless a bridge is later determined eligible for the National Register based on new or additional information (following the procedure outlined in Stipulation V.B.). Non-historic bridges can be found on the LADOTD Historic Bridge website or through contacting the LADOTD Environmental Section.
  3. This PA applies to historic bridge projects using the State’s apportioned federal funds. Such projects include, but are not necessarily limited to, bridge preventative maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation, replacement, and/or relocation projects (see Glossary of Terms in Attachment 2).
  4. The USCG and/or USACE may use the PA to fulfill their responsibilities for undertakings that use the State’s apportioned federal funds provided the FHWA is designated as the lead federal agency for Section 106.
  5. This PA does not apply to historic bridges that are federally or privately owned, without a responsible agency owner, share a border with another state, or already in the process of Section 106 consultation (see Attachment 3 - Historic Bridges Subject to Separate Section 106 Process). Such bridges would require a separate Section 106 process if subject to a federal undertaking.
  6. This PA does not apply to historic bridges when projects are conducted solely with local funds.
  7. This PA does not apply to projects that have completed Section 106 compliance with 36 CFR 800 prior to execution of this PA.
  8. This PA does not pertain to non-bridge historic properties, including archaeological properties and historic districts. Identification of potential project effects on non-bridge historic and archaeological properties in a historic bridge project Area of Potential Effect shall be conducted pursuant to 36 CFR 800, as well as applicable LASHPO and LADOTD guidelines and manuals.
  9. This PA does not satisfy the requirements of Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966 (Section 4(f)), as amended.

III. Historic Bridge Treatment Categories

The PA identifies three treatment categories for historic bridges:

  1. Preservation Priority Bridges: Historic bridges that will be retained in long-term use and will be subject to preventative maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation, as needed.
  2. Preservation Candidate Bridges: Historic bridges designated for preventative maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation, when prudent and feasible.
  3. Non-Priority Bridges: Historic bridges that are not ideal candidates for long-term use are eligible for replacement when needed.

Attachment 1 presents the treatment category for each historic bridge.

IV. Guidelines, Standards, and Regulations

Guidelines, standards, and regulations relevant to this PA and its purposes, including the preparation of Management Plans specified in Stipulation VIII, are as follows:

  1. Protection of Historic Properties, 36 CFR 800 (2004), at
  2. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation including the Standards for Evaluation at and Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties, including Standards for Rehabilitation (1983, as amended) at (Secretary’s Standards)
  3. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, as Adapted for Historic Bridges, adapted from Clark, Kenneth M., Mathew C. Grimes, and Ann B. Miller, Final Report: A Management Plan for Historic Bridges in Virginia, Virginia Transportation Research Council, 2001 (see Attachment 4B)
  4. Guidelines for Historic Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement, prepared by Lichtenstein Consulting Engineers, Inc., in association with Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc., March 2007, as part of NCHRP Project 25-25/Task 19, at
  5. Federal Highway Administration, Bridge Preservation Guide: Maintaining a State of Good Repair Using Cost Effective Investment Strategies, August 2011, at
  6. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Minimum Design Guidelines, latest edition, at

V. Identification of Historic Bridges

  1. Background
    In 2012 the LADOTD initiated a comprehensive Historic Bridge Inventory study of pre-1971 bridges listed in the LADOTD’s Master Structure File and the FHWA’s National Bridge Inventory. Through this effort, the FHWA, in consultation with the LADOTD and the LASHPO, determined bridges that are eligible and not eligible for the National Register, and the LADOTD composed an inventory of eligible bridges. The LADOTD made results, including National Register eligibility determinations for each bridge, available to the public on its website at

    Efforts resulted in the following reports:

    1. Historic Context Report for Louisiana Historic Bridge Inventory (Mead & Hunt, Inc., 2012), which identified historic themes for use in assessing significance, at
    2. Bridge Stratification and Data Collection Methodology (Mead & Hunt, Inc., 2012), which identified relevant bridge types and associated data needs (as incorporated into National Register Eligibility Determination Report: Pre-1971 Louisiana Highway Bridges).
    3. National Register Criteria for Evaluation of pre-1971 Louisiana Highway Bridges (Mead & Hunt, Inc., 2012), which sets forth criteria for National Register evaluation of pre-1971 bridges (as incorporated into National Register Eligibility Determination Report: Pre-1971 Louisiana Highway Bridges).
    4. National Register Eligibility Determination Report: Pre-1971 Louisiana Highway Bridges (Mead & Hunt, Inc., September 2013), which identifies historic and non-historic bridges (see lists on the LADOTD Historic Bridge Website), at
    5. Methodology to Identify Preservation Priority Bridges (Mead & Hunt, Inc., November 2013), which sets forth criteria for identifying Preservation Priority Bridges, at
    6. Results: Application of the Methodology to Identify Preservation Priority Bridges (Mead & Hunt, Inc., April 2014), which categorizes historic bridges for future treatment (see Attachment 1), at
    7. Public Involvement Plan (Mead & Hunt, Inc., updated August 2014), which details public outreach and public involvement efforts conducted throughout the inventory study and PA development.
  2. Inventory Updates and Revisions
    The following procedures will be implemented to update and address revisions to the inventory:
    1. If new or additional information comes to light that may impact the National Register eligibility status of a particular bridge, such information will be provided to the FHWA. The eligibility recommendation will be reconsidered by the FHWA in consultation with the LADOTD and LASHPO within 90 days of receipt. Within 180 days, the FHWA will make any change in eligibility determination in consultation with the LADOTD and LASHPO.
    2. Timber bridges were evaluated under the methodology of this Agreement and determined to be not eligible for inclusion in the National Register. However, in light of comments received by Consulting Parties, the LADOTD will review pre-1946 timber bridges to assess if any of the previous determinations that these bridges are not eligible would merit reconsideration. On or before January 31, 2016, the LADOTD, FHWA and LASHPO will consult on the results of this review. The FHWA will make any change in eligibility determination in consultation with the LASHPO and LADOTD. Any dispute will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures in Stipulation XII.
    3. If a pre-1971 bridge is identified to have been inadvertently excluded from the Historic Bridge Inventory, the bridge should be evaluated for eligibility. The bridge should be reevaluated or evaluated applying the guidance provided in Historic Bridge Inventory reports (see Stipulation V.A.1-4). Any change in eligibility determination will be made by the FHWA in consultation with the LASHPO and LADOTD.
    4. On or before January 1, 2021, the LADOTD will complete eligibility evaluations for bridges built from 1971 to 1980 that are not addressed by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Program Comment for Common Post-1945 Concrete and Steel Bridges (Program Comment). A subsequent update will be conducted on or before January 1, 2031, addressing bridges built from 1981 to 1985 that are not addressed by the Program Comment. The bridges will be evaluated applying the guidance provided in Historic Bridge Inventory reports (see Stipulation V.A.1-4). Eligibility determinations will be made by the FHWA in consultation with the LASHPO and LADOTD.
    5. No later than June 30, 2025, the Signatory Parties will consult to determine if conditions have changed that would require updating the list of historic bridges (Attachment 1 of this PA). If the Signatory Parties agree that conditions have changed and an update is required, these parties will consult to determine which bridges to reevaluate and if any changes are needed to the guidance provided in the Historic Bridge Inventory reports (see Stipulation V.A.1-4). The LADOTD will implement the agreed-upon methodology to bridges requiring reevaluation. The Signatory Parties will consult to determine what type of public involvement would be appropriate and, subject to the availability of funds, the LADOTD will implement the agreed-upon public outreach activities.

VI. Responsibilities of the Signatory Parties

  1. FHWA Responsibilities
    The FHWA is the lead federal agency responsible for compliance with Section 106 and for implementing regulations found at 36 CFR 800. Under Section 106, the FHWA is legally responsible for all findings and determinations made under this PA. The FHWA shall complete measures as follows:
    1. The FHWA will ensure that the LADOTD carries out the requirements of this PA in accordance with all applicable FHWA and ACHP policies and guidelines, including requirements set forth in 36 CFR 800 as a condition of its award to the LADOTD of the State’s apportioned federal funds.
    2. The FHWA will consider the activities described in Stipulation VII. Treatment of Louisiana Historic Bridges to be part of the State’s asset management program for historic bridges.
    3. The FHWA will not consider demolition to be a prudent alternative for any project involving a Preservation Priority Bridge and will not participate in a project that would result in the demolition of a Preservation Priority Bridge.
    4. The FHWA will not provide funding for any project that involves the demolition of a Preservation Candidate Bridge when rehabilitation to meet project purpose and need is a feasible and prudent alternative.
  2. LADOTD Responsibilities
    Subject to the availability of funds, the LADOTD shall carry out measures detailed in this Stipulation and in the following additional Stipulations VII-XI:
    • Stipulation VII: Treatment of Louisiana Historic Bridges
    • Stipulation VIII: Management Plans for Historic Bridges
    • Stipulation IX: Stewardship, Public Outreach, Education, and Funding
    • Stipulation X: Emergency Situations for Historic Bridges
    • Stipulation XI: Annual Reporting

    The LADOTD shall complete additional measures as follows:

    1. The LADOTD shall ensure that work carried out pursuant to this PA, whether performed by LADOTD staff or consultants, is conducted under the supervision of a qualified professional. A “qualified professional” is a person who meets the relevant standards outlined in the Archeology and Historic Preservation: Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines [As Amended and Annotated] (
    2. The LADOTD shall provide expertise for historic bridge projects through experienced in-house engineering staff or through the use of experienced consultants. These personnel will be responsible for executing historic bridge projects for LADOTD-owned historic bridges and providing guidance to non-LADOTD owners.
    3. The LADOTD shall include information about the National Register eligibility status of inventoried bridges and bridge treatment categories in its Master Structure File database used by its environmental, project planning, and bridge design and maintenance personnel.
    4. The LADOTD will inform the applicants for the State’s apportioned federal funds for any project affecting a historic bridge (see list in Attachment 1) in the award letter that the scope of the bridge project will be determined by the FHWA through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and Section 4(f). The award letter will state that Preservation Priority Bridges must be retained. For Preservation Candidate Bridges, the award letter will state that laws, regulations, and design standards may ultimately dictate that the Preservation Candidate Bridge be retained if the FHWA concludes that rehabilitation is feasible and prudent.
    5. The LADOTD will classify and label all historic bridge projects as “Historic Bridge Improvement” until after the FHWA has identified a preferred alternative for the project. The classification and labeling will apply to award letters to the State’s apportioned federal fund applicants, the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, and in electronic tracking systems maintained by the LADOTD.
    6. The LADOTD will issue a Maintenance Directive to Districts for Preservation Priority Bridges that explains the commitment to retain these structures and outlines preventative maintenance and preservation activities that can be conducted without LASHPO consultation (see Attachment 5).
    7. The LADOTD will add a section to its Bridge Design Manual summarizing the alternatives analysis and design development process requirements for historic bridges that are outlined in this PA and designating the Bridge Design and Bridge Maintenance Engineers (see Stipulation VI.B.2 above) as points of contact.
  3. LASHPO Responsibilities
    The LASHPO shall complete measures as follows:
    1. The LASHPO will participate in the consultation and review process set forth in the Stipulations and Attachments of this PA in accordance with procedures and timeframes specified herein.
    2. The LASHPO may seek an opinion from the State Attorney General on the prohibition against donations, as outlined in the Louisiana Constitution, which has been interpreted to prevent the LADOTD from paying the recipient of a historic bridge an amount greater than the funds made available by the FHWA and reflecting the estimated cost of a demolition project, net of estimated salvage value. Subsequently, the LASHPO is responsible for notifying the LADOTD of the State Attorney General’s opinion.
    3. The LASHPO will assist in providing training/workshops to LADOTD bridge engineers and bridge owners on identifying character-defining features of historic bridges.
    4. The LASHPO will assist the LADOTD to identify and maintain a list of parties with potential need for a relocated historic bridge should one become available.
    5. The LASHPO will provide on its Office of Cultural Development Division of Historic Preservation website a link to historic bridge information on the LADOTD website.
  4. ACHP Responsibilities
    The ACHP shall complete measures as follows:
    1. The ACHP will participate in the consultation and review process set forth in the Stipulations and Attachments of this PA in accordance with procedures and timeframes specified herein, and as follows:
    2. The ACHP may enter into the consultation for purposes of dispute resolution as outlined in Stipulation XII - Dispute Resolution.
    3. The ACHP will provide advice, guidance, or assistance when solicited with regard to completing the Section 106 consultation process.
  5. Preservation Organization Responsibilities
    Preservation organizations, including the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, the Foundation for Historical Louisiana, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Historic Bridge Foundation, will promote Louisiana’s historic bridges through their organization’s public outreach efforts and share observed best practices with the LADOTD.

VII. Treatment of Louisiana Historic Bridges

  1. Activities not requiring review
    Certain activities are considered best practices for preventative maintenance and preservation. The bridge owner may undertake these activities on historic bridges in any treatment category without additional consultation or public notification. These activities are documented in Attachment 5 - Accepted Preventative Maintenance and Preservation Activities, and limited to activities specifically described therein.
  2. Preservation Priority Bridges
    Commitments in this PA apply to 33 Preservation Priority Bridges representing examples of 16 types (see Attachment 1):

    Except under the circumstances provided for in the following paragraph, the bridge owner will retain Preservation Priority Bridges in long-term use and conduct preventative maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation as needed. Upon initiating a rehabilitation project, the bridge owner will follow procedures outlined in Attachment 4A - Procedures for Rehabilitation Projects Affecting Preservation Priority Bridges. Once developed, bridge owners will also apply available guidance contained in the Management Plan for Historic Bridges Statewide (see Stipulation VIII.A) and individual bridge management plans (see Stipulation VIII.B).

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, where, in light of unforeseen events (including, but not limited to, the development of conditions that create the potential for threats to emergency evacuation routes or conditions that could give rise to hazards to travelers using Preservation Priority Bridges and/or nearby roadways) the Chief Engineer of the LADOTD determines that other actions are necessary for the safety of the traveling public, the LADOTD may take such actions as and when it deems appropriate, and the LADOTD will notify the other signatory parties of the same. Thereafter, the parties will consult and may consider amendments pursuant to Stipulation XIII.

  3. Preservation Candidate Bridges
    1. Treatment overview
      The bridge owner will continue to conduct preventative maintenance and preservation of Preservation Candidate Bridges to the extent that it is prudent and feasible. Determination of whether preservation of a Preservation Candidate bridge is prudent and feasible will follow the process outlined in Attachment 4B. The Management Plan for Historic Bridges Statewide will provide guidance on appropriate preventative maintenance and preservation for historic bridges (see Stipulation VIII.A).
    2. Alternatives analysis
      When a project is proposed on a Preservation Candidate Bridge, the bridge owner will follow the procedures outlined in Attachment 4B - Procedures for Projects Affecting Preservation Candidate Bridges to investigate alternatives. Rehabilitation on-site, bypass and adaptive reuse, rehabilitation as one-way pair, and/or relocation are preferred treatments for Preservation Candidate Bridges, while demolition and replacement are options when preferred treatments are not prudent and feasible. In evaluating these alternatives, the bridge owners will give preference to those alternatives that preserve a bridge in place. If a treatment is selected for a Preservation Candidate Bridge that follows the Secretary’s Standards, no alternative analysis is required.
    3. Marketing for relocation
      If, following the investigation of alternatives, it is determined that a Preservation Candidate Bridge needs to be demolished and/or replaced, efforts will be made to relocate and reuse the bridge following the marketing approach outlined in Attachment 6 of this PA.
    4. Additional alternative consideration
      If a Preservation Candidate Bridge is identified to be demolished and/or replaced following the investigation of alternatives and there is a demonstrated local interest in preservation of the bridge, the following steps shall be followed:
      1. Organization or municipality with demonstrated local interest and capacity to take ownership of the bridge must propose an additional alternative for preservation.
      2. The additional alternative shall be provided in writing to the bridge owner and shall describe an adaptive reuse that has not been previously evaluated by the bridge owner. The proposal should provide a conceptual plan and cost estimate demonstrating the proposing party’s commitment and capacity to take ownership of the bridge.
      3. At the request of the party with demonstrated local interest and upon receipt of the proposal for an additional alternative, the LADOTD will consult with the proposing party to negotiate and execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA).
      4. The CEA will outline the steps to be undertaken to consider the proposed additional alternative, including a timeframe for such consideration to occur.
  4. Non-Priority Bridges
    The bridge owner will continue to maintain Non-Priority Bridges in accordance with standard LADOTD practices. The Management Plan for Historic Bridges Statewide will provide guidance on appropriate preventative maintenance and preservation for historic bridges (see Stipulation VIII.A). It is acknowledged that Non-Priority Bridges are not ideal candidates for long-term preservation. Therefore, demolition and replacement are options for Non-Priority Bridges when maintenance is no longer feasible and/or cost-effective. If a Non-Priority Bridge is proposed for replacement, the bridge owner will follow these steps:
    1. Complete a Solicitation of Views (SOV) following standard LADOTD practice as defined in Chapter 5 of the LADOTD’s Manual of Standard Practice (available at The SOV is made up of three parts: the SOV letter, the preliminary project description, and the Study Area map. The SOV mailing is comprised of a State list and a Parish list; these lists are maintained by and available from the LADOTD Environmental Section.
    2. Provide 45 days for any response. Any objections raised as a result of such notification will be provided to the FHWA in writing. The FHWA will consult with the LADOTD and FHWA to address the objection. Any dispute will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures in Stipulation XII.
    3. Adhere to this PA to fulfill Section 106 responsibility (no separate consultation or agreement is required).
    4. Develop the replacement project following standard LADOTD practice.
    5. Market the bridge for relocation in accordance with Attachment 6.
    Since sufficient documentation regarding Non-Priority Bridges has been generated as part of the Historic Bridge Inventory effort and broad stewardship and programmatic mitigation efforts will be completed as part of this PA (see Stipulation IX), no additional mitigation will be required.

VIII. Management Plans for Historic Bridges

  1. Management Plan for Historic Bridges Statewide
    Within 12 months of PA execution, the LADOTD will prepare a Management Plan for Historic Bridges Statewide (Statewide Plan) and submit a draft to the Signatory Parties for 30-day review and comment. The LADOTD will finalize the Statewide Plan, taking any comments into account. The completed Statewide Plan will be posted to the project website and Consulting Parties will be notified of its availability.

    The Statewide Plan will inform guidance to be presented within the individual management plans for Preservation Priority Bridges, though those plans will be bridge-specific (see Stipulation VIII.B). The Statewide Plan will provide guidance to a bridge owner seeking to maintain and preserve a Preservation Candidate or Non-Priority Bridge. The content will follow the guidelines, standards, and regulations noted in Stipulation IV, and the outline for the Statewide Plan will be as follows:

    1. Recommended preventative maintenance and preservation activities that are broadly applicable to historic bridges, including those applying to mechanical and electrical systems for movable bridges.
    2. Recommended approach to rehabilitation that is broadly applicable to historic bridges, including compliance with the Secretary’s Standards.
    3. Guidance on the use of design exceptions and/or AASHTO’s Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads (ADT ≤ 400), 2001.
    4. Guidance and conditions for appropriate adaptive reuse.
    5. Available funding.
    6. Sources for applicable historic bridge training that is available for bridge maintenance and design personnel.
  2. Individual Management Plans for Preservation Priority Bridges
    The LADOTD will prepare individual management plans as follows:
    1. An individual plan will be prepared following the outline below for each bridge listed as Preservation Priority in Attachment 1, with the exception of nine bridges in New Orleans City Park.
    2. A combined plan will be prepared following the outline below for the nine Preservation Priority Bridges in New Orleans City Park that are similar in type, features, condition, and function.
    3. Plans for locally owned Preservation Priority Bridges will be provided to the owner.
    4. When applicable, the individual plan will refer back to the Statewide Plan, such as for activities that apply to a class of bridges (e.g., electrical and mechanical systems of movable bridges).
    5. Plans will be completed within 18 months of PA execution. The LADOTD will submit draft plans to the Signatory Parties for 30-day review and comment. The LADOTD will finalize the plans, taking any comments into account.
    6. Completed plans will be posted to the project website and Consulting Parties will be notified of their availability.

    The bridge management plan content outline is as follows:

    1. Executive summary
    2. Historical data - includes:
      • Description of the bridge
      • Synopsis of the bridge’s history, alterations, historic integrity, period of significance, and eligibility
      • Identifying numbers for the bridge (LADOTD and LASHPO)
      • Character-defining features of the bridge
    3. Engineering data - includes:
      • Condition of bridge, including superstructure and substructure elements, with images of conditions noted
      • Approach and waterway observations
      • Date of site visit
    4. Recommendations for preventive maintenance and preservation
    5. Recommendations for rehabilitation, if any
    6. Identification of any anticipated design exceptions
    7. Projected costs
    8. Attachments
      • Glossary of common engineering and historical terms used
      • Bridge maintenance and rehabilitation guidelines used
      • Available electronic documents, including rehabilitation plans, original plans, any engineering or historic inventory forms, photographs, correspondence, etc.

IX. Stewardship, Public Outreach, Education, and Funding

The following efforts provide mitigation for adverse effects to historic bridges that are contemplated under this PA, including potential replacement of Non-Priority Bridges.

  1. Website - A project website will continue to be hosted by the LADOTD that makes available reports from the Historic Bridge Inventory study of pre-1971 bridges. The LADOTD will continue to maintain a dedicated Historic Bridge Marketing webpage (per Attachment 6) at In addition, historic bridge information will be provided to the LASHPO to post on its website. The LADOTD will provide the historic bridge website links to relevant preservation organizations including the Historic Bridge Foundation and
  2. List of Interested Recipients - The LADOTD, with assistance from the LASHPO, will identify and maintain a list of parties with potential use for a relocated historic bridge should one become available. The LADOTD will send a notice to the following organizations informing of opportunity to join this list and receive notifications:
    • Non-LADOTD state agencies, including Louisiana State Parks
    • Statewide preservation organizations
    • State SOV list
    • Individuals on the current project email list
  3. Historic Bridges of Louisiana publication - A publication highlighting descriptive and historical information for each historic bridge and providing contextual information has been prepared for a popular audience and posted to the project website.
  4. Training workshops - The LADOTD, in cooperation with the Louisiana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) or other entity, will provide education on approaches to preventative maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation of historic bridges and related processes outlined in this PA through its existing technical conference series. The LADOTD will develop and deliver this training every two years starting in 2015 and continuing until Signatory Parties decide it is no longer warranted and notify the LADOTD of this in writing. The Signatory Parties will consult to determine the appropriate venue(s) for the training. Notice of the training will be posted to the website and sent via email or mail to each historic bridge owner and Signatory and Concurring Parties.
  5. Documentation - The LADOTD will prepare Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) documentation to represent each of the bridge types represented within the Preservation Candidate preservation category. Bridges to be documented will be chosen in consultation with the LASHPO and FHWA. HAER Level I documentation, including measured drawings or an acceptable equivalent, will be prepared for an estimated eight bridges that demonstrate types unique to Louisiana, including certain movable types and K-trusses. HAER Level II documentation will be prepared for an estimated nine bridges that are representative examples of types within the state and important variations of movable and truss types. Original documentation will be provided to the National Park Service and archival and digital copies of documentation will be provided to the LASHPO. The HAER documentation will be submitted to the National Park Service with copies to the LADOTD and LASHPO within 24 months of PA execution.
  6. Funding - The continuation and implementation of this Agreement is contingent upon the appropriation of funds to fulfill the requirements of the Agreement by the United States Congress and the Louisiana State Legislature. In the event sufficient funds are not available to implement this Agreement, the FHWA shall consult in accordance with the amendment and termination procedures found in Stipulations XIII and XIV of this Agreement. Subject to the availability of funds, the LADOTD will dedicate $3 million annually to the preventative maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation of LADOTD-owned Preservation Priority Bridges listed in Attachment 1. Recognizing that individual bridge projects will occur on different schedules depending on individual bridge needs, funds may be pooled over a period of several years. If a portion of this dedicated fund is not required for Preservation Priority Bridges, the LADOTD may use the funds for preventative maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation of LADOTD-owned Preservation Candidate Bridges. If identified needs exceed the available funds, the LADOTD will actively seek additional funding using traditional bridge funding sources.

    Non-LADOTD owners of Preservation Priority Bridges listed in Attachment 1 will be eligible for the State’s apportioned federal funds for activities completed in accordance with the management plans prepared in Stipulation VIII.

X. Emergency Situations for Historic Bridges

Emergency situations will be addressed as follows:

  1. Emergencies are defined in 36 CFR 800.12 as “operations which respond to a disaster or emergency declared by the President, a tribal government, or the Governor of a State or which respond to other immediate threats to life or property.”
  2. If an emergency occurs that affects a historic bridge, it is acknowledged that the LADOTD may not be able to contact the LASHPO prior to stabilizing the historic bridge or taking such other measures as may be necessary based on the emergency circumstances.
  3. In emergency situations, the LADOTD will contact the State Historic Preservation Officer within the LASHPO as soon as possible (target timeframe of 72 hours), dependent on the emergency circumstances, and provide a description of the emergency situation, emergency measures that have been implemented, and any additional proposed emergency measures. A target timeframe of 7 working days for expedited emergency response by the LASHPO will apply. The State Historic Preservation Officer may refer the call to staff as needed and appropriate.
  4. The LADOTD will also notify the ACHP as soon as possible and afford the ACHP an opportunity to comment within 7 days of notification. If the agency official determines that circumstances do not permit 7 days for comment, the agency official shall notify the ACHP and invite any comments within the time available.
  5. When possible to do so, emergency measures will be undertaken in a manner that does not foreclose future preservation.
  6. Permanent repairs to historic bridges beyond the scope of emergency repairs are not authorized by this Stipulation.
  7. This Stipulation applies to undertakings that will be implemented within 30 calendar days after the event resulting in the emergency. The LADOTD may notify the LASHPO at 30 and 60 days if an extension is needed and request concurrence to continue for up to 90 days from declaration of a disaster.

Immediate rescue and salvage operations conducted to preserve life or property are exempt from the provisions of Section 106 (36 CFR § 800.12(d)). This exemption applies regardless of whether there has been a declared disaster or emergency.

XI. Annual Reporting

The LADOTD will be responsible for annual reporting as follows:

  1. For the duration of the PA, on or before August 31 of each year, the LADOTD environmental staff, with input from bridge and maintenance divisions, shall submit an annual PA implementation report summarizing the current review year’s activities under this PA to Signatory, Concurring and Consulting Parties and post it to the project website.
  2. The annual report shall address bridges covered by this PA and include an accounting of the implementation of the activities outlined in Stipulations VII through X of this PA, including a table providing the name, bridge recall number, and location of historic bridges, and a summary of relevant findings and outcomes pertaining to each processed project pursuant to this PA, whether completed or planned. The annual report will outline the results of the marketing program, including number of bridges preserved with ownership transfer, and will provide any recommendations for program improvement. Certain activities that preserve and maintain a bridge in a state of good repair, as outlined in Attachment 5 - Accepted Preventative Preservation and Maintenance Activities, may be implemented without review and do not need to be included in the annual report.
  3. Such report shall include any proposed scheduling changes, any problems encountered, and any disputes or objections received relating to efforts to carry out the terms of this PA.
  4. In 2016 and 2017 the LADOTD shall coordinate an annual meeting among the Signatory, Concurring, and Consulting Parties to evaluate the agencies’ joint functioning under the PA. In 2018 and after the LADOTD shall contact Signatory, Concurring, and Consulting Parties to ask if a meeting should be held.
  5. Within 90 days following the annual review meeting, if held, the LADOTD shall prepare a post-meeting summary report containing a narrative description of accomplishments, concerns, and recommendations regarding any aspect of this PA, and submit a copy of the report to the Signatory, Concurring, and Consulting Parties and post it to the project website.

XII. Dispute Resolution

If any Signatory Party of this PA objects in writing to the FHWA regarding any action carried out or proposed with respect to the implementation of this PA, the FHWA shall consult with the objecting party to resolve this objection. Any consulting party or member of the public may bring an objection to any Signatory of the agreement. The Signatory may bring that objection to the FHWA in writing for its consideration to resolve the objection. If after such consultation the FHWA determines the objection cannot be resolved through consultation, the FHWA shall forward all documentation relevant to the objection to the ACHP, including the FHWA’s proposed response to the objection. Within 30 days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the ACHP shall exercise one of the following options:

  1. Advise the FHWA that the ACHP concurs in the FHWA’s proposed response to the objection, whereupon the FHWA will respond to the objection accordingly; or
  2. Provide the FHWA with recommendations, which the FHWA shall take into account in reaching a final decision regarding its response to the objection.

Should the ACHP not exercise one of the above options within 30 days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the FHWA may assume the ACHP’s concurrence with the proposed response to the objection.

XIII. Amendment

Any Signatory Party to this PA may propose to the FHWA that the PA be amended, whereupon the FHWA will consult with the other Signatory Parties to consider the proposed amendment. All Signatory Parties to this PA must agree to the proposed amendment in writing for such amendment to be valid.

XIV. Termination

Any Signatory Party to this PA may terminate it by providing 60 days’ notice to the other Signatory Parties, provided that the Signatory Parties will consult during the period prior to termination to seek agreement on amendments or other actions that would avoid termination. In the event of termination, the FHWA will comply with 36 CFR 800 with regard to individual undertakings covered by this PA.

XV. Effective Date and Duration

This PA will become effective immediately upon the FHWA’s filing a copy signed by all Signatory Parties with the ACHP.

At least six months prior to June 30, 2035, the FHWA will consult with Signatory Parties to this agreement to determine interest in renewing this agreement. The agreement may be extended for additional terms upon the written agreement of the Signatory Parties. Unless extended or terminated in accordance with Stipulation XIV, the PA shall remain in effect until June 30, 2035, at which time its Stipulations and provisions become null and void.


The Signatory Parties below hereby execute this Programmatic Agreement and acknowledge and reaffirm their commitment to perform all duties set forth herein.

By:             C.W. Bolinger         , Division Administrator
Name:             Charles W. Bolinger        
Date:             8/19/2015        

By:             Phil Boggan         , State Historic Preservation Officer
Name:             Phil Boggan        
Date:             8/20/2015        

By:             Sherri H. LeBas         , Secretary
Name:             Sherri H. LeBas        
Date:             8/25/2015        

By:             Reid Nelson         , Executive Director
Name:             Reid Nelson        
Date:             9/21/2015        

The Concurring Parties below hereby acknowledge and affirm their concurrence with provisions of this Programmatic Agreement.

By:                     , Deputy General Counsel

The Concurring Parties below hereby acknowledge and affirm their concurrence with provisions of this Programmatic Agreement.

By:                     , Executive Director

List of Attachments

Attachment 1. Historic Bridges Eligible for National Register Listing or Listed in the National Register and Treatment Category

Attachment 2. Glossary of Terms

Attachment 3. Historic Bridges Subject to Separate Section 106 Process

Attachment 4. Treatment of Historic Bridges

  • 4A. Procedures for Rehabilitation Projects Affecting Preservation Priority Bridges
  • 4B. Procedures for Projects Affecting Preservation Candidate Bridges

Attachment 5. Accepted Preventative Maintenance and Preservation Activities

Attachment 6. Historic Bridge Marketing

Attachment 1
Historic Bridges Eligible for National Register Listing
or Listed in the National Register and Treatment Category

Preservation Priority methodology results summary table (by type)*

Bridge Type/subtype Historic Bridges Preservation Priority Bridges Candidate Bridges Non-Priority Bridges
Arch 9 9 0 0
Concrete rigid frame 3 1 0 2
Concrete beam and girder 9 1 6 2
Culvert pre-1946 2 1 1 0
Movable: Bascule 6 1 4 1
Movable: Lift - span and span tower 19 4 15 0
Movable: Lift - tower 4 1 3 0
Movable: Pontoon swing 6 1 3 2
Movable: Swing - cable stayed 5 1 1 3
Movable: Swing - plate girder 15 1 12 2
Movable: Swing - pony truss 5 1 1 3
Movable: Swing - through truss 1 1 0 0
Post-1945 common 9 3 4 2
Steel beam and girder 10 3 3 4
Truss: Pony truss 7 1 2 4
Truss: Through truss 11 3 4 4
Total 121 33 59 29

* 29 historic bridges are subject to separate Section 106 review and are listed in Attachment 3.

Attachment 1 - Historic Bridges and Treatment Category

Bridge Type: Arch

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102113 Orleans HARRISON AV.OVER LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1937 City or Municipal Highway Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102114 Orleans HARRISON AV.OVER LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1937 City or Municipal Highway Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102115 Orleans HARRISON OVER LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1939 City or Municipal Highway Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102226 Orleans BRIDGE OVER CITY PARK LG LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1938 Other Local Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102227 Orleans BRIDGE OVER CITY PARK LG LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1924 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102233 Orleans ENRIQUE ALFEREZ LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1938 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102235 Orleans GOLF DR./PARK LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1936 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102236 Orleans PALM DRIVE/LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1936 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency
Arch - Closed spandrel arch Preservation Priority 102237 Orleans ROOSEVELT DR./LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1936 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency

Bridge Type: Concrete rigid frame

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Concrete rigid frame Preservation Priority 102234 Orleans ROOSEVELT DR/LAGOON LOCAL ROAD over CITY PARK LAGOON 1938 Local Park, Forest or Reservation Agency
Concrete rigid frame Non-Priority 054918 Pointe Coupee LA0010 over STREAM 1923 State of Louisiana
Concrete rigid frame Non-Priority 054920 Pointe Coupee LA0010 over BAYOU MORRIS 1923 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Concrete beam and girder

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Priority 014900 Caddo LA0170 over RED BAYOU 1930 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 002820 St. Charles BONNET CARRE SPILLWAY US0061 over BONNET CARRE 1935 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 012160 Bossier FIFI BAYOU US0080 over BAYOU FIFI 1934 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 012160 Bossier FIFI BAYOU US0080 over BAYOU FIFI 1934 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 049130 La Salle MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL/RD US0084 over MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD 1932 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 054830 Pointe Coupee MORGANZA FLOODWAY US0190 over MORGANZA FLDWY 1945 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 700682 Grant SPARROW LANE, MARTEAU BAYOU LOCAL ROAD over MARTEAU BAYOU 1919 Parish Highway Agency
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Preservation Candidate 800106 Avoyelles CARDINAL LOOP, CHOCTAW B CARDINAL LOOP ROAD over CHOCTAW BAYOU 1921 Parish Highway Agency
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Non-Priority 013480 Caddo KCS RAILROAD US0080 over KCS RR 1927 State of Louisiana
Concrete slab, beam, and girder Non-Priority 018970 Webster ILLINOIS CENTRAL R/R US0371 over ICG RR @ SIBLEY 1934 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Pre-1946 culvert

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Culvert - pre-1946 Preservation Priority 620266 St. Tammany BELLE TERRE BLVD. LOCAL ROAD over DRAIN 1936 Parish Highway Agency
Culvert - pre-1946 Preservation Candidate 012200 Bossier CLARKE BAYOU US0080 over CLARKE BAYOU 1930 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Bascule - Double-leaf trunnion Preservation Priority 024400 Ouachita OUACHITA R.-LOUISVILLE US0080 over OUACHITA RIVER-LOUISVILLE 1935 State of Louisiana
Movable: Bascule - Strauss heel trunnion Preservation Candidate 001570 Orleans ST. CLAUDE AVENUE CITY STREET over INDUSTRIAL CANAL 1919 Other Local Agency
Movable: Bascule - Double-leaf trunnion Preservation Candidate 005800 Iberia BAYOU TECHE LA0086 over BAYOU TECHE 1940 State of Louisiana
Movable: Bascule - Double-leaf trunnion Preservation Candidate 203830 St. Tammany LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN LOCAL ROAD over LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN 1969 Other Local Agency
Movable: Bascule - Double-leaf trunnion Preservation Candidate 203832 St. Tammany LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN LOCAL ROAD over LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN 1956 Other Local Agency
Movable: Bascule - Double-leaf trunnion Non-Priority 001552 Orleans LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN US0011 over LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN 1928 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Priority 001030 Lafourche LAFOURCHE BAYOU-GOLD. MEAD. LA0308 over BAYOU LAFOURCHE 1970 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Priority 008570 St. Martin TECHE BAYOU LA03361 over TECHE BAYOU 1950 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Priority 009460 Vermilion VERMILION R/ABBEVILLE LA0014BY over VERMILION R/ABBEVILLE 1964 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Priority 054900 Pointe Coupee OLD RIVER NAVIGATION CAN LA0015 over OLD RIVER NAV. CANAL 1964 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 000880 Lafourche LAFOURCHE BAYOU-RACELAND LA0182 over BAYOU LAFOURCHE 1936 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 002650 St. Bernard LALOUTRE BAYOU LA0046 over BAYOU LA LOUTRE 1956 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 003240 Terrebonne LITTLE CAILLOU (PRESQUE) LA0024 over LITTLE CAILLOU 1941 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 003480 Terrebonne SARAH - PETIT CAILLOU LA0058 over PETIT CAILLOU 1963 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 003500 Terrebonne TERREBONNE BAYOU (MONTEGUT) LA0058 over BAYOU TERREBONNE 1963 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 003620 Terrebonne LACARPE BAYOU LA0661 over BAYOU LACARPE 1964 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 006210 Iberia TECHE BAYOU LA0344 over TECHE BAYOU 1964 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 006520 Lafayette VERMILION RIVER @ MILTON LA0092 over VERMILION RIVER 1948 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 007170 Lafayette VERMILION RIVER @ EAST BROUSSARD ROAD LA0733 over VERMILION RIVER 1951 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 008700 St. Martin TECHE BAYOU @ PARKS LA0350 over BAYOU TECHE PARKS 1950 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 009430 Vermilion VERMILION R/ABBEVILLE LA0014 over VERMILION R/ABBEVILLE 1938 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 009680 Vermilion VERMILION RIVER (PERRY) LA0082 over VERMILION R PERRY 1955 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 033353 Calcasieu CALCASIEU RIVER - WEST FORK LA0378 over W FORK CALCASIEU RIVER 1968 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 058710 St. Tammany WEST PEARL RIVER US0090 over WEST PEARL RIVER 1933 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - span tower Preservation Candidate 200860 Lafourche LOCAL ROAD over LAFOURCHE BAYOU 1968 Parish Highway Agency

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Lift - tower Preservation Priority 020375 Orleans JUDGE SEEBER BRIDGE LA0039 over CLAIBORNE BRIDGE 1957 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - tower Preservation Candidate 000920 Lafourche INTRACOASTAL W/W@LAROSE LA0001 over INTRACOASTAL CANAL 1960 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - tower Preservation Candidate 000930 Lafourche LOCKPORT COMPANY CANAL LA0001 over COMPANY CANAL LOCKPORT 1959 State of Louisiana
Movable: Lift - tower Preservation Candidate 002500 Plaquemines INTRACOASTAL W/W-J.PEREZ LA0023 over I C WATERWAY 1967 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Pontoon swing Preservation Priority 033760 Cameron GRAND LAKE PONTOON LA0384 over ICWW-SWEET/GRAND LAKE 1963 State of Louisiana
Movable: Pontoon swing Preservation Candidate 054480 Iberville LOWER GRAND RIVER LA0997 over BAYOU PIDGEON/LOWER GRAND RIVER WAY 1957 State of Louisiana
Movable: Pontoon swing Preservation Candidate 054730 Iberville SORREL BAYOU PONTOON LA0075S over UPPER GRAND R/BAYOU SORREL 1964 State of Louisiana
Movable: Pontoon swing Preservation Candidate 200886 Lafourche GALLIANO LOCAL ROAD over LAFOURCHE BAYOU 1956 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Pontoon swing Non-Priority 200863 Lafourche VALENTINE LOCAL ROAD over LAFOURCHE BAYOU 1969 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Pontoon swing Non-Priority 200896 St. Martin ST MARTIN PH RD NO 0120 LOCAL ROAD over CROCODILE BAYOU c.1967 Parish Highway Agency

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Swing - cable-stayed Preservation Priority 200868 Terrebonne TERREBONNE PH RD NO 0283 LOCAL ROAD over GRAND CAILLOU BAYOU 1960 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Swing - cable-stayed Preservation Candidate 200865 Terrebonne TERREBONNE PH RD NO 0004 LOCAL ROAD over DU LARGE BAYOU 1960 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Swing - cable-stayed Non-Priority 200852 Terrebonne TERREBONNE PH RD NO 0293 LOCAL ROAD over PETIT CAILLOU BAYOU 1968 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Swing - cable-stayed Non-Priority 200858 Terrebonne TERREBONNE PH RD NO 0255 LOCAL ROAD over BLACK BAYOU 1945 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Swing - cable-stayed Non-Priority 200859 Terrebonne TERREBONNE PH RD NO 0262 LOCAL ROAD over LITTLE BLACK BAYOU 1958 Parish Highway Agency

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Priority 005900 Iberia TECHE BAYOU @ DASPIT RD LA0086 over BAYOU TECHE 1965 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 003390 Terrebonne FALGOUT CANAL LA0315 over FALGOUT CANAL 1964 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 006200 Iberia TECHE BAYOU (MORBIHAN) LA0344 over BAYOU TECHE 1967 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 008690 St. Martin TECHE BAYOU LA0096 over BAYOU TECHE ST M. 1942 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 009280 St. Mary TECHE BAYOU LA3069 over BAYOU TECHE FRANKLIN 1963 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 009690 Vermilion LITTLE PRAIRIE (OLD ICC) LA0082 over OLD ICC L PRAIRE 1965 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 051500 Assumption PIERRE PART BAYOU LA0070 over PIERRE PART BAYOU 1967 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 054360 Iberville INTRACOASTAL CANAL LA0077 over INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY 1960 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 056360 Livingston AMITE RIVER @ PORT VINCENT LA0042 over AMITE RIVER 1963 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 058930 St. Tammany LACOMBE BAYOU US0190 over BAYOU LACOMBE 1938 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 200850 Terrebonne PROVOST BAYOU LA0315 over PROVOST BAYOU 1953 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 200872 St. Mary STMARY PARISH RD NO 0172 LOCAL ROAD over TECHE BAYOU 1969 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Swing - plate girder Preservation Candidate 200874 St. Mary STMARY PARISH RD NO 0118 LOCAL ROAD over TECHE BAYOU 1959 Parish Highway Agency
Movable: Swing - plate girder Non-Priority 001304 Lafourche LAFOURCHE BAYOU-LOCKPORT LA0655 over BAYOU LAFOURCHE 1940 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - plate girder Non-Priority 002830 St. Charles DES ALLEMANDS BAYOU LA0631 over BAYOU DESALLEMAND 1935 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Swing - pony truss (Warren truss) Preservation Priority 033700 Cameron MERMENTAU R./G. CHENIER LA0082 over MERMENTAU R./G.CHENIER 1959 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - pony truss (Warren truss) Preservation Candidate 009130 St. Mary TECHE BAYOU @ CHARENTON LA0324 over BAYOU TECHE 1945 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - pony truss (Warren truss) Non-Priority 005860 Iberia TECHE BAYOU @ JEANERETTE LA0671 over BAYOU TECHE 1944 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - pony truss (Warren truss) Non-Priority 033730 Cameron SUPERIOR CANAL BRIDGE LA0082 over SUPERIOR CANAL 1956 State of Louisiana
Movable: Swing - pony truss (Warren truss) Non-Priority 200901 Iberia IBERIA PH RD NO 0184 LOCAL ROAD over TECHE BAYOU 1930 Other StateAgency

Bridge Type: Movable

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Movable: Swing - through truss (Warren truss) Preservation Priority 010130 Vermilion TIGRE BAYOU LA0330 over BAYOU TIGRE 1960 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Post-1945 Common

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Post-1945 common - Concrete beam and girder Preservation Priority 007300 St. Landry US0190 over ATCHAFALAYA FLOODWAY 1961 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Concrete beam and girder Preservation Priority 007310 St. Landry WEST ATCHAFALAYA FLOODWY US0190 over ATCHAFALAYA FLDWY 1961 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Steel plate girder Preservation Priority 031736 Calcasieu CALCASIEU R.(MOSS BLUFF) US0171 over CALCASIEU RIVER 1969 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Steel beam and girder Preservation Candidate 031450 Calcasieu US 90 OVER I-10 US0090 over US 90 OVER I-10/RAMPS 1959 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Steel plate girder Preservation Candidate 051390 Assumption BOEUF BAYOU (AMELIA) LA0182 over BAYOU BOEUF 1958 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Concrete beam and girder Preservation Candidate 054850 Pointe Coupee MORGANZA SPILLWAY LA0001 over MORGANZA SPILLWAY 1954 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Steel beam and girder Preservation Candidate 062080 Tangipahoa PASS MANCHAC US0051 over PASS MANCHAC 1957 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Steel plate girder Non-Priority 055240 West Baton Rouge INTERCOASTAL CANAL/ICWW LA0001 over PORT ALLEN CANAL 1960 State of Louisiana
Post-1945 common - Steel plate girder Non-Priority 055250 West Baton Rouge INTERCOASTAL CANAL/ICWW LA0001 over PORT ALLEN CANAL 1960 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Steel beam and girder

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Steel beam and girder Preservation Priority 008120 St. Landry COURTABLEAU BAYOU LA0103 over BAYOU COURTABLEAU 1937 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Preservation Priority 014400 Caddo ILLINOIS CENTRAL R/R US0071 over ICG RR 1937 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Preservation Priority 610023 East Baton Rouge PERKINS RD. OVERPASS CITY STREET over K.C.S. RR 1937 Parish Highway Agency
Steel beam and girder Preservation Candidate 019040 Webster L.& A. RAILROAD (MINDEN) US0371 over KCS RR MINDEN 1935 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Preservation Candidate 023620 Morehouse MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL/RD US0165 over MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD 1938 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Preservation Candidate 059730 St. Tammany G. M. & O. RAILROAD LA0036 over ICG RAILROAD 1937 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Non-Priority 014410 Caddo ILLINOIS CENTRAL R/R US0071 over ICG RR 1940 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Non-Priority 014420 Caddo ILLINOIS CENTRAL R/R US0071 over ICG RR 1940 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Non-Priority 055130 West Baton Rouge T & P RAILROAD OVER PASS US0190 over LA 415/M P RR @ LOBDELL 1939 State of Louisiana
Steel beam and girder Non-Priority 059090 St. Tammany N. O. & N. E. RAILROAD US0011 over NO&NE RAILROAD 1937 State of Louisiana

Bridge Type: Truss

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Pony truss - Warren truss Preservation Priority 055730 West Feliciana BIG BAYOU SARA LA0066 over BIG BAYOU SARA 1949 State of Louisiana
Pony truss - Warren truss Preservation Candidate 052140 East Baton Rouge MANCHAC BAYOU LA0073 over BAYOU MANCHAC 1931 State of Louisiana
Pony truss - Warren truss Preservation Candidate 058740 St. Tammany EAST MIDDLE RIVER US0090 over E MIDDLE PEARL RIVER 1933 State of Louisiana
Pony truss - Warren truss Non-Priority 013970 Caddo CADDO LAKE LA0001 over CADDO LAKE 1940 State of Louisiana
Pony truss - Warren truss Non-Priority 058720 St. Tammany WEST MIDDLE PEARL RIVER US0090 over WEST MIDDLE PEARL RIVER 1933 State of Louisiana
Pony truss - Warren truss Non-Priority 058730 St. Tammany MIDDLE MIDDLE RIVER US0090 over MIDDLE MIDDLE PEARL RIVER 1933 State of Louisiana
Pony truss - Warren truss Non-Priority 400345 Madison TENSAS RIVER AT INVRT102 LOCAL ROAD over TENSAS RIVER 1950 Parish Highway Agency

Bridge Type: Truss

Bridge Configuration Preservation Category Recall Number Parish Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner
Through truss - Warren truss Preservation Priority 001630 Orleans GULF OUTLET CANAL BRIDGE LA0047 over INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY(GULF OUTLET) 1967 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Warren truss Preservation Priority 051880 East Baton Rouge MISSISSIPPI RIVER (B.R.) US0190 over OLD MISS.RIVER BR 1939 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Warren truss Preservation Priority 203760 St. James MISSISSIPPI R.(SUNSHINE) LA0070 over MISS RIVER/LA 18/LA 44 1964 State of Louisiana
Through truss - K-Truss Preservation Candidate 008970 St. Mary CHARENTON LA0182 over CHARENTON 1941 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Warren truss Preservation Candidate 012548 Bossier LA 2, MILLER’S BLUFF LA0002 over RED RIVER-MILLER’S BLUFF 1952 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Warren truss Preservation Candidate 012750 Bossier RED RIVER (BOSSIER CITY) LA0511 over RED R.,C.FANT PKWY,AR TEA 1968 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Camelback truss Preservation Candidate 027160 Richland BOEUF RIVER LA0132 over BOEUF RIVER 1926 State of Louisiana
Through truss - K-Truss Non-Priority 009000 St. Mary ATCHAFALAYA R/MORGAN CTY LA0182 over ATCHAF.R/BERWICK BAY 1932 State of Louisiana
Through truss - K-Truss Non-Priority 012060 Bossier RED RIVER (TEXAS AVENUE) US0080 over RED RIVER 1934 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Parker truss Non-Priority 026240 Richland BOEUF RIVER LA0015 over BOEUF RIVER 1939 State of Louisiana
Through truss - Warren truss Non-Priority 032780 Calcasieu CALCASIEU RIVER I0010 over CALCASIEU RIVER, RR, STS. 1951 State of Louisiana

Attachment 2
Glossary of Terms

Adaptive reuse - Bridge is reused for non-vehicular use on-site and is closed to all public motorized vehicular traffic (e.g., cars and trucks) or relocation off-site. See also definition for relocation.

Feasible - A project alternative that can be constructed as a matter of sound engineering.1

Local agency owner - A local agency owner is a parish, municipality, or other government entity that is in possession of and has current responsibility for a historic bridge. Local agencies are also specified in this PA as “non-LADOTD owners’ to distinguish their bridges from those bridges that are owned by the LADOTD.

Long-term use - The period for which a historic bridge will be retained in vehicular use at its current site. This period coincides with the duration of this PA. Per Stipulation XV, the PA will expire on June 30, 2035, unless extended or terminated.

Preservation - One of four standards, promulgated by the National Park Service, representing a series of concepts about maintaining, repairing, and replacing historic materials, as well as designing new additions or making alterations. The Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties offer four distinct approaches: preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction. Preservation is defined within the Secretary’s Standards as: “the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property. Work, including preliminary measures to protect and stabilize the property, generally focuses upon the ongoing maintenance and repair of historic materials and features rather than extensive replacement and new construction. New exterior additions are not within the scope of this treatment; however, the limited and sensitive upgrading of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems and other code-required work to make properties functional is appropriate within a preservation project.” See also Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, as Adapted for Historic Bridges (in Attachment 4B).2

Preventive maintenance - (see condition-based preventive maintenance and cyclical preventive maintenance for bridge-specific activities) – A planned strategy of cost-effective treatments to an existing roadway system and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future deterioration, and maintains or improves the functional condition of the system (without substantially increasing structural capacity). These definitions are from the FHWA Bridge Preservation Guide.

Condition-based preventive maintenance - Activities that are performed on bridge elements as needed and identified through the bridge inspection process.

Cyclical preventive maintenance - Activities performed on a pre-determined interval and aimed to preserve existing bridge element or component conditions. Bridge element or component conditions are not always directly improved as a result of these activities, but deterioration is expected to be delayed.

Program Comment - The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation issued a Program Comment for Common Post-1945 Concrete and Steel Bridges (Program Comment) in November 2012 addressing the eligibility of common post-1945 concrete and steel bridges and culverts. Based on provisions put in place under the Program Comment, the eligibility evaluation of specific types of bridges and culverts built after 1945 is pursued differently from that typically conducted for historic-age bridges. For more information:

Prudent - A project alternative is prudent if it meets the test in 23 CFR 774.17, which includes factors assessing safety or operational problems; how well project purpose and need are met; the severity of social, economic, or environmental impacts; and the severity of impacts to environmental resources protected under other federal statutes.3

Qualified professional - A person who meets the relevant standards outlined in the Archeology and Historic Preservation: Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines [As Amended and Annotated] (

Rehabilitation - One of four standards, promulgated by the National Park Service, representing a series of concepts about maintaining, repairing, and replacing historic materials, as well as designing new additions or making alterations. The Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties offer four distinct approaches: preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction. Rehabilitation is defined within the Secretary’s Standards as: “The process of returning a property to a state of utility, through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural values.”4 See also Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, as Adapted for Historic Bridges (in Attachment 4B).

Relocation - Removal and placement of a historic bridge on a trail, in a park, or in some other non-vehicular use, as well as its placement on a road where it meets load capacity and geometric requirements for the facility on which is placed.

Replacement - Provision of a new facility constructed in the same general traffic corridor. The replacement structure must meet the current geometric, construction, and structural standards required for the types and volume of projected traffic on the facility over its design life. This definition is from the FHWA Bridge Preservation Guide.

Solicitation of Views (SOV) - The LADOTD’s practice for project notification consisting of three parts: the SOV letter, the preliminary project description, and the Study Area map. The SOV mailing is comprised of a State list and a Parish list; these lists are maintained by and available from the LADOTD Environmental Section. This standard LADOTD practice is defined in Chapter 5 of the LADOTD’s Manual of Standard Practice (available at:

State of good repair (for bridge assets) - The existing physical conditions of bridge elements, components, or entire bridges are such that the bridges (a) are functioning as designed, and (b) are sustained through regular maintenance, preservation, and replacement programs. This definition is from the FHWA Bridge Preservation Guide.


Definition based on the FHWA’s evaluation of the factors associated with protecting Section 4(f) property, which include historic bridges. From the FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit, (accessed 9 September 2013).
Definition taken from the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, (accessed 12 October 2014).
Definition based on the FHWA’s evaluation of these factors associated with protecting Section 4(f) property, which include historic bridges. From the FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit, (accessed 9 September 2013).
Definition taken from the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, (accessed 12 October 2014).

Attachment 3
Historic Bridges Subject to Separate Section 106 Process

Recall Number Parish Bridge Configuration Bridge Name Facility Carried and Feature Crossed Year Built Owner Separate Process Detail & Preservation Category (if Applicable)
000060 Jefferson Through truss, Mixed types HUEY P. LONG (MISS. R.) US0090 over MISSISSIPPI RIVER 1936 New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Railroad ownership - MOA complete
000810 Jefferson Swing - pony truss, Warren truss KERNER FERRY BAYOU LA0302 over BAYOU BARATARIA 1947 State of Louisiana Section 106 completed - Separate MOA complete; truss to be repurposed Preservation Candidate
001390 Orleans Swing - through truss CHEF MENTEUR PASS US0090 over CHEF MENTEUR PASS 1930 State of Louisiana MOA completed
009180 St. Mary Swing - pony truss, Warren truss TECHE BAYOU @ OAKLAWN LA0323 over BAYOU TECHE OAKLAWN 1941 State of Louisiana MOA completed; portion of bridge to be retained
014520 Caddo Concrete slab, beam, and girder LA3049 over CREEK 1915 State of Louisiana Section 106 in process - will have separate MOA
014530 Caddo Concrete slab, beam, and girder LA3049 over IRISH BAYOU 1915 State of Louisiana Section 106 in process - will have separate MOA
014640 Caddo Steel beam and girder BLACK BAYOU LA0530 over BLACK BAYOU 1928 State of Louisiana Section 106 in process - will have separate MOA
017030 De Soto Steel beam and girder SABINE RIVER US0084 over SABINE RIVER 1936 State of Louisiana MOA in progress
024430 Ouachita Steel beam and girder MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL/RD US0080 over MO PAC RR SICARD 1935 State of Louisiana Section 106 in process - will have separate MOA
031530 Calcasieu Swing - plate girder SABINE RIVER LA0012 over SABINE RIVER 1936 State of Louisiana Border bridge - not subject to Methodology or PA Preservation Candidate
036520 Avoyelles Pony truss
Pratt truss
LA 1177 @ BAYOU BOEUF, S LA1177 over BAYOU BOEUF 1921 State of Louisiana MOA completed; bridge is disassembled and in storage
039520 Rapides Steel beam and girder KCS RR @ US 165B (MILITA US0165B over KCS RAILROAD 1918 State of Louisiana Section 106 in process - will have separate MOA
042700 Vernon Through truss
Parker truss
SABINE RIVER/BURR FERRY LA0008 over SABINE RIVER @ BURR FERRY 1937 State of Louisiana MOA in progress
047230 Caldwell Through truss
Parker truss
LAFOURCHE BAYOU CUTOFF LA0847 over BAYOU LAFOURCHE CUTOFF 1922 State of Louisiana Section 106 in process - will have separate MOA
Preservation Candidate
048070 Concordia Through truss
Warren truss
MISSISSIPPI R.(NATCHEZ) US0065 over MISSISSIPPI RIVER 1940 State of Louisiana Border bridge - not subject to Methodology or PA Preservation Candidate
058750 St. Tammany Swing - through truss
Parker truss
EAST PEARL RIVER US0090 over EAST PEARL RIVER 1933 State of Louisiana Border bridge - not subject to Methodology or PA Preservation Candidate
200883 Iberia Swing - through truss
Warren truss
IBERIA PARISH RD NO 0002 LOCAL ROAD over TECHE BAYOU 1937 Parish Highway Agency MOA in progress
500271 Calcasieu Concrete rigid frame CALCASIEU PH. RT. NO. 12 LOCAL ROAD over GUM SLOUGH 1935 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
F15321 Concordia Post-1945 common
Steel beam and girder
LA0015 over OLD RIVER LOW SILL C.S. 1959 Corps of Engineers (Civil) Federal ownership
F15771 Concordia Post-1945 common
Concrete beam and girder
LA0015 over OLD RIVER OBANK C.S. 1959 Corps of Engineers (Civil) Federal ownership
F33025 Madison Through truss
Pratt truss
OLD HWY 80 over JUDD BAYOU 1908 Bureau of Fish and Wildlife Federal ownership
XXXX01 Caddo Lift - span tower Mooringsport Bridge LA Hwy 538 over Caddo Lake 1914 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
XXXX02 Natchitoches Through truss
Pratt truss
Cane River Bridge Closed Road over Cane River Lake 1912 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
XXXX03 Avoyelles Swing - pony truss
Queen post (modified) truss
Sarto Bridge Closed road over Bayou Des Glaises 1916 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
XXXX04 Madison Through truss
Pennsylvania Truss
Old Vicksburg Bridge Railroad/Vehicular over Mississippi River 1930 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
XXXX05 St. Martin Swing - through truss
Warren truss
Levert-St.John Bridge ONeal Boudreaux Rd over Bayou Teche 1895 Private (other than railroad) MOA in progress
XXXX06 Caddo Through truss
Waddell A-Truss
Kansas City Southern RR Abandoned road over Cross Bayou c.1900 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
XXXX10 St. Landry Pony truss
Pratt truss
WAUKSHA BAYOU BRIDGE LOCAL ROAD over CREEK 1950 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency
XXXX11 Ouachita Concrete rigid frame PHILLIPS BRIDGE LOCAL ROAD over BAYOU DESIARD 1910 Private (other than railroad) No responsible agency