Historic Preservation
Historic preservation has been a Federal concern since 1906 when the Antiquities Act provided for the protection of historic and prehistoric remains and monuments on Federal lands. Since that time, Congress has made historic preservation a responsibility of every Federal agency, enacting multiple laws that extend the consideration of our nation’s historic and archeological resources to properties beyond Federal lands and reflect the importance the American people attach to safeguarding and maintaining the places that embody our nation’s rich heritage.
Ecosystems and Vegetation Management
FHWA supports the principles of sustainable environments and economies through activities in Ecosystem and Vegetation Management. In order to ensure that transportation projects address their impacts on natural ecosystems, FHWA provides guidance and technical assistance to Federal, State, and local government staff regarding Federal laws, regulations, policy, and procedures related to habitat, vegetation, and right of way management.
Tribal Consultation
Tribal consultation is an essential element in achieving a streamlined product. The National Historic Preservation Act, including Section 106, requires Federal agencies to work with Indian Tribes that may have a cultural or religious association to historic properties affected by an agency’s undertakings. The websites below provide guidance and additional information to help practitioners better implement their tribal consultation and coordination practices.
Wetlands, watersheds, and coastlines are vital parts of the natural ecosystem and require careful planning to avoid, minimize, and mitigate damage to them as a result of transportation projects. FHWA provides information and guidance to Federal, State, and local agencies in order to preserve the function and integrity of the Nation’s wetlands and aquatic ecosystems.
Transportation projects often produce unintended consequences for wildlife and habitat. The FHWA offers resources to transportation agencies so that they may incorporate habitat and species conservation into their planning efforts.
Other Topics
This page covers other environmental topics including air quality, noise, and visual impacts.