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Environmental Review Toolkit


On August 10, 2005, President George W. Bush signed into law the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). A number of SAFETEA-LU provisions are aimed at improving efficiency in highway program and project delivery. From better planning and coordination to improved materials, contracting and construction, these provisions will support efforts to more efficiently advance a safer and more effective highway program, and strengthen stewardship and oversight.

SAFETEA-LU addresses the many challenges facing our transportation system today such as improving safety, reducing traffic congestion, improving efficiency in freight movement, increasing intermodal connectivity, and protecting the environment as well as laying the groundwork for addressing future challenges. SAFETEA-LU promotes more efficient and effective Federal surface transportation programs by focusing on transportation issues of national significance, while giving State and local transportation decision makers more flexibility for solving transportation problems in their communities.

A number of SAFETEA-LU provisions are aimed at improving efficiency in highway program and project delivery. From better planning and coordination to improved materials, contracting and construction, these provisions will support efforts to more efficiently advance a safer and more effective highway program, and strengthen stewardship and oversight.


Subject/Title Resource URL
Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning; Final Rule (February 14, 2007) Final Rule
Section 4(f)
Final Rule on Section 4(f) Final Rule
NEPA Assignment
Surface Transportation Project Delivery Pilot Program (February 12, 2007) Final Rule


Subject/Title Resource URL
Bridges and Structures
Use of Debris from Demolished Bridges and Overpasses (March 7, 2006) Memorandum
Environmental Review
Interagency Guidance: Transportation Funding for Federal Agency Coordination Associated with Environmental Streamlining Activities Guidance
Environment and Planning Linkage Processes Legal Guidance (February 22, 2005) Memorandum
Issuance Major Project Guidance (January 19, 2007) Memorandum
SAFETEA-LU Environmental Review Process (Public Law 109-59) (November 15, 2006) Final Guidance
Categorical Exclusion
FHWA Monitoring Reviews of SAFETEA-LU Section 6004 Categorical Exclusion Assignments Guidance
Section 4(f)
Guidance for applying the 4(f) exemption for the Interstate Highway System Guidance
Section 4(f) Policy Paper Guidance


Subject/Title Resource URL
Environmental Review
Frequently Asked Questions on the Environmental Review Process FAQ
Examples of SAFETEA-LU Environmental Review Process Implementation Examples