Cathy Brittingham, a NC Division of Coastal Management staff
member whose position is funded by NCDOT, working closely with Charles Bruton of
NCDOT at a Mitigation Process Improvement Workshop.
(NCDOT image)
Interagency Funding Agreements Foster Streamlining
Implementing environmental streamlining initiatives and meeting time limits for reviews requires Federal, state, and local transportation and resource agencies to coordinate early and regularly. However, many state and Federal resource agencies do not have enough staff to participate in activities to expedite the transportation process. To help overcome this obstacle, many state departments of transportation (DOTs) are using interagency funding agreements to hire additional staff at state and Federal resource agencies. The work of funded staff must have a measurable impact in reducing the time it takes to complete environmental reviews on specific projects. Dedicated to reviewing transportation projects and making permit decisions, funded staff help state DOTs develop quality transportation and environmental solutions earlier and at less cost.
Section 1309(e) of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) allows states to use Federal-aid funds to provide additional resources to Federal agencies. To help guide the development of interagency funding agreements, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) finalized its "Interagency Guidance: Transportation Funding for Federal Agency Coordination Associated with Environmental Streamlining Activities" in February 2002. FHWA developed the guidance with input from the Federal Transit Administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and state DOTs. The guidance includes the following:
- Instructions for developing interagency funding agreements, including what key elements to include.
- A recommended template for interagency funding agreements.
- Examples of current interagency funding agreements.
- A summary of lessons learned and best practices used by states to expedite reviews.
- Descriptions of eligible activities and other funding mechanisms.