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Environmental Review Toolkit

Successes in Stewardship Newsletter Archive

Current Issue

Successes in Stewardship is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) bimonthly newsletter highlighting current best practices in stewardship and environmental review from around the country. Read the current newsletter: Incorporating Virtual Public Involvement Strategies.


November Establishing a Transportation Liaison Program
September 2018-2020 in Review: Key Takeaways for Accelerating Project Delivery and Improving Environmental Outcomes


September Every Day Counts 4: Integrating NEPA and Permitting Increases Efficiency in Environmental Review
July Back to the Basics: Section 4(f) & 23 CFR 774 Updates


June Section 106 Tribal Agreements: Strengthening Government-to-Government Partnerships and Accelerating Project Delivery
February CEDAR Helps States Increase Process Efficiencies in Project Development to Improve Environmental Compliance
January The Eco-Logical Approach Helps Accelerate Project Delivery and Improve Environmental Outcomes


September Context Sensitive Solutions and Design: A Practical Approach to Transportation Decisionmaking
July Case Studies Highlight Benefits of Multimodal Roadway Design and Green Infrastructure
May Back to the Basics: Environmental Compliance During Emergencies
March Updates to the Indiana Bat and Northern Long-Eared Bat Programmatic Consultation Accelerate Project Delivery and Improve Mitigation Outcomes
January Back to the Basics: How FHWA Legal Staff Can Help with Project Delivery


December 2017 Year in Review: Key Takeaways for Accelerating Project Delivery and Improving Environmental Outcomes
November California’s North Coast Corridor Program Balances Infrastructure Demands and Environmental Stewardship
October Back to the Basics:The Endangered Species Act and Section 7 Consultations
September INVEST Leads to Sustainability Success and Innovation at Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)
August 2017 FHWA Environmental Excellence Award Winners Demonstrate Budget-Friendly Best Practices in Stewardship
July Back to the Basics: Bridge Permitting
June NEPA Assignment Program Promotes Environmental Stewardship
May Commitment and Collaboration among FHWA and Partners Leads to Successful Atlantic Salmon Programmatic
April Back to the Basics: Improving the Quality of Environmental Documentation
March Federal Permitting Dashboard Helps FHWA Accelerate Environmental Reviews, Improves Communication with the Public
February New Integrating NEPA and Permitting Approach Provides Opportunities for States to Accelerate Project Delivery
January Back to the Basics: Understanding the Components of Section 106 Compliance

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December A Year in Review: Practical Ways to Implement Takeaways from the 2016 Newsletters
November Louisiana Historic Bridge Effort Increases Preservation Opportunities and Expands Agency Partnerships
October FHWA FAST Act Guidance Accelerates Surface Transportation Project Environmental Review Processes
September Indiana Bat and Northern Long-Eared Bat Programmatic Consultation Streamlines Project Delivery and Improves Conservation Outcomes
August Featured Streamlining Practices Are Still Yielding Benefits: Five, Ten, and Fifteen Years Later
July 2017 Environmental Excellence Awards to Recognize Outstanding Environmental Stewardship
June New Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Agreement Creates Potential to Accelerate Projects in Maine
May FHWA Highlights 10 Benefits of the Planning and Environmental Linkages Program
April Interdisciplinary Partnerships Help to Connect Ecosystems and Improve Roadway Safety for Wildlife and the Traveling Public
March Freeway Cap Parks Encourage Stakeholder Coordination, Reconnect Communities, and Promote Healthy Ecosystems
February More Efficient and Effective Permitting and Environmental Review Speeds Work on Tappan Zee Bridge Replacement
January Planning for Climate Change: FHWA's Climate Change Resilience Pilot Program

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December Transportation Agencies Demonstrate How to Implement the Eco-Logical Approach
November The 2015 Red Book: Synchronizing Environmental Reviews for Transportation and Other Infrastructure Projects
October Using GIS Tools to Improve Project Delivery
September Livability Tools Promote Environmental Decisionmaking in Early Stages of Planning
August FHWA Encourages States to Take Action in Achieving Pollinator Health
July 2015 Environmental Excellence Awards Recognize Innovative Efforts to Preserve the Environment
June New Web Resource Helps States and MPOs Improve Collaborative Transportation Decisionmaking
May Get to Know FHWA's National Transportation Liaisons
April Data-driven Success Stories Highlight Value of Programmatic Agreements
March FHWA Resources Promote Implementation of More Sustainable Pavements
February New Tool Helps Agencies Manage Transportation Assets in the Face of Climate Change
January New Handbook Encourages Streamlined, Quantifiable Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans

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December Updated Guidelines Offer Uniform, Comprehensive Instructions for Conducting Effective Visual Impact Assessments
November Using Road Diets to Advance Healthy, Safe Communities
October FHWA Helps Shorten Environmental Review Process for Historic Bascule Bridge by an Unprecedented Seven Months
September New Handbook Helps States Reduce Vegetation Management Costs and Encourage Native Growth
August 2015 Environmental Excellence Awards to Recognize Outstanding Environmental Stewardship
July Agency Coordination and Public Involvement Deliver Milton-Madison Bridge Project on Time and on Budget
June New York State Asset Management Framework Encourages Preservation and Sustainability
May FHWA Develops Tools to Advance Climate Change Mitigation Strategies
April Two New Categorical Exclusions Streamline NEPA Compliance
March Geographic Information Systems Inventory Helps Preserve Apache Trail's Historic Character
February FHWA Promotes Health in Transportation
January Collaborative Research Effort Identifies Effective Wildlife Crossing Practices in Utah

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December Collaboration Helps to Expedite Lake Champlain Bridge Replacement Project
November Advancing the Application of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS): The CSS National Dialog 2
October Implementing Eco-Logical: Activities to Advance Ecosystem-Scale Transportation Planning
September Tribal Case Studies Highlight Effective Intergovernmental Partnerships
August CDOT Uses Stakeholder Involvement to Streamline Environmental Review Process for Twin Tunnels Project
July Addressing Environmental Justice in the NEPA Process
June Interactive Online Tutorial Educates Users about Section 4(f)
May Using Cloud Services to Support Environmental Streamlining
April Federal and State Programs Remove Barriers to Fish Passage
March Award-Winning Projects Exemplify Streamlining and Stewardship
February States Work to Streamline the Section 106 Review Process
January Programmatic Agreement Streamlines Indiana Bat Conservation Efforts

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December Wildlife Crossings Protect Wildlife Along Maine's Route 112
November FHWA Supports Roadway Sustainability with INVEST
October New York City Wetlands Strategy Protects Coastal Ecosystems
September FHWA Updates Section 4(f) Policy Paper
August Online Tools Help to Streamline the Environmental Review Process
July Nonmotorized Transportation Program Increases Biking and Walking
June Evaluating the Historical Significance of Utah's Bridges
May Installing Turtle-Friendly Lighting on Florida's Coastal Roadways
April Considering Freight Priorities in the NEPA Process
March Colorado DOT Analyzes Rest Area Sustainability
February Showcasing the 2011 Environmental Excellence Award Winners
January FHWA Releases a Primer on Integrating Road Safety and NEPA

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