Successes in Stewardship Newsletter Archive
Current Issue
Successes in Stewardship is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) bimonthly newsletter highlighting current best practices in stewardship and environmental review from around the country. Read the current newsletter: Incorporating Virtual Public Involvement Strategies.
November |
Establishing a Transportation Liaison Program |
September |
2018-2020 in Review: Key Takeaways for Accelerating Project Delivery and Improving Environmental Outcomes |
September |
Every Day Counts 4: Integrating NEPA and Permitting Increases Efficiency in Environmental Review |
July |
Back to the Basics: Section 4(f) & 23 CFR 774 Updates |
June |
Section 106 Tribal Agreements: Strengthening Government-to-Government Partnerships and Accelerating Project Delivery |
February |
CEDAR Helps States Increase Process Efficiencies in Project Development to Improve Environmental Compliance |
January |
The Eco-Logical Approach Helps Accelerate Project Delivery and Improve Environmental Outcomes |
September |
Context Sensitive Solutions and Design: A Practical Approach to Transportation Decisionmaking |
July |
Case Studies Highlight Benefits of Multimodal Roadway Design and Green Infrastructure |
May |
Back to the Basics: Environmental Compliance During Emergencies |
March |
Updates to the Indiana Bat and Northern Long-Eared Bat Programmatic Consultation Accelerate Project Delivery and Improve Mitigation Outcomes |
January |
Back to the Basics: How FHWA Legal Staff Can Help with Project Delivery |
December |
2017 Year in Review: Key Takeaways for Accelerating Project Delivery and Improving Environmental Outcomes |
November |
California’s North Coast Corridor Program Balances Infrastructure Demands and Environmental Stewardship |
October |
Back to the Basics:The Endangered Species Act and Section 7 Consultations |
September |
INVEST Leads to Sustainability Success and Innovation at Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) |
August |
2017 FHWA Environmental Excellence Award Winners Demonstrate Budget-Friendly Best Practices in Stewardship |
July |
Back to the Basics: Bridge Permitting |
June |
NEPA Assignment Program Promotes Environmental Stewardship |
May |
Commitment and Collaboration among FHWA and Partners Leads to Successful Atlantic Salmon Programmatic |
April |
Back to the Basics: Improving the Quality of Environmental Documentation |
March |
Federal Permitting Dashboard Helps FHWA Accelerate Environmental Reviews, Improves Communication with the Public |
February |
New Integrating NEPA and Permitting Approach Provides Opportunities for States to Accelerate Project Delivery |
January |
Back to the Basics: Understanding the Components of Section 106 Compliance |
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December |
A Year in Review: Practical Ways to Implement Takeaways from the 2016 Newsletters |
November |
Louisiana Historic Bridge Effort Increases Preservation Opportunities and Expands Agency Partnerships |
October |
FHWA FAST Act Guidance Accelerates Surface Transportation Project Environmental Review Processes |
September |
Indiana Bat and Northern Long-Eared Bat Programmatic Consultation Streamlines Project Delivery and Improves Conservation Outcomes |
August |
Featured Streamlining Practices Are Still Yielding Benefits: Five, Ten, and Fifteen Years Later |
July |
2017 Environmental Excellence Awards to Recognize Outstanding Environmental Stewardship |
June |
New Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Agreement Creates Potential to Accelerate Projects in Maine |
May |
FHWA Highlights 10 Benefits of the Planning and Environmental Linkages Program |
April |
Interdisciplinary Partnerships Help to Connect Ecosystems and Improve Roadway Safety for Wildlife and the Traveling Public |
March |
Freeway Cap Parks Encourage Stakeholder Coordination, Reconnect Communities, and Promote Healthy Ecosystems |
February |
More Efficient and Effective Permitting and Environmental Review Speeds Work on Tappan Zee Bridge Replacement |
January |
Planning for Climate Change: FHWA's Climate Change Resilience Pilot Program |
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December |
Transportation Agencies Demonstrate How to Implement the Eco-Logical Approach |
November |
The 2015 Red Book: Synchronizing Environmental Reviews for Transportation and Other Infrastructure Projects |
October |
Using GIS Tools to Improve Project Delivery |
September |
Livability Tools Promote Environmental Decisionmaking in Early Stages of Planning |
August |
FHWA Encourages States to Take Action in Achieving Pollinator Health |
July |
2015 Environmental Excellence Awards Recognize Innovative Efforts to Preserve the Environment |
June |
New Web Resource Helps States and MPOs Improve Collaborative Transportation Decisionmaking |
May |
Get to Know FHWA's National Transportation Liaisons |
April |
Data-driven Success Stories Highlight Value of Programmatic Agreements |
March |
FHWA Resources Promote Implementation of More Sustainable Pavements |
February |
New Tool Helps Agencies Manage Transportation Assets in the Face of Climate Change |
January |
New Handbook Encourages Streamlined, Quantifiable Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans |
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December |
Updated Guidelines Offer Uniform, Comprehensive Instructions for Conducting Effective Visual Impact Assessments |
November |
Using Road Diets to Advance Healthy, Safe Communities |
October |
FHWA Helps Shorten Environmental Review Process for Historic Bascule Bridge by an Unprecedented Seven Months |
September |
New Handbook Helps States Reduce Vegetation Management Costs and Encourage Native Growth |
August |
2015 Environmental Excellence Awards to Recognize Outstanding Environmental Stewardship |
July |
Agency Coordination and Public Involvement Deliver Milton-Madison Bridge Project on Time and on Budget |
June |
New York State Asset Management Framework Encourages Preservation and Sustainability |
May |
FHWA Develops Tools to Advance Climate Change Mitigation Strategies |
April |
Two New Categorical Exclusions Streamline NEPA Compliance |
March |
Geographic Information Systems Inventory Helps Preserve Apache Trail's Historic Character |
February |
FHWA Promotes Health in Transportation |
January |
Collaborative Research Effort Identifies Effective Wildlife Crossing Practices in Utah |
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December |
Collaboration Helps to Expedite Lake Champlain Bridge Replacement Project |
November |
Advancing the Application of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS): The CSS National Dialog 2 |
October |
Implementing Eco-Logical: Activities to Advance Ecosystem-Scale Transportation Planning |
September |
Tribal Case Studies Highlight Effective Intergovernmental Partnerships |
August |
CDOT Uses Stakeholder Involvement to Streamline Environmental Review Process for Twin Tunnels Project |
July |
Addressing Environmental Justice in the NEPA Process |
June |
Interactive Online Tutorial Educates Users about Section 4(f) |
May |
Using Cloud Services to Support Environmental Streamlining |
April |
Federal and State Programs Remove Barriers to Fish Passage |
March |
Award-Winning Projects Exemplify Streamlining and Stewardship |
February |
States Work to Streamline the Section 106 Review Process |
January |
Programmatic Agreement Streamlines Indiana Bat Conservation Efforts |
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December |
Wildlife Crossings Protect Wildlife Along Maine's Route 112 |
November |
FHWA Supports Roadway Sustainability with INVEST |
October |
New York City Wetlands Strategy Protects Coastal Ecosystems |
September |
FHWA Updates Section 4(f) Policy Paper |
August |
Online Tools Help to Streamline the Environmental Review Process |
July |
Nonmotorized Transportation Program Increases Biking and Walking |
June |
Evaluating the Historical Significance of Utah's Bridges |
May |
Installing Turtle-Friendly Lighting on Florida's Coastal Roadways |
April |
Considering Freight Priorities in the NEPA Process |
March |
Colorado DOT Analyzes Rest Area Sustainability |
February |
Showcasing the 2011 Environmental Excellence Award Winners |
January |
FHWA Releases a Primer on Integrating Road Safety and NEPA |
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