Subject: |
DOT Order 5611.1A |
October 20, 2003 |
From: |
Emil Frankel Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy |
Reply to:
Angie Drumm x65459 |
To: |
Relevant DOT Offices and Administrations |
I am pleased to transmit DOT Order 5611.1A entitled, U.S. Department of Transportation National Procedures for Elevating Highway and Transit Environmental Disputes. This Order implements Section 1309 (c) of TEA-21 by establishing internal procedures for elevating disputes involving environmental reviews of highway and transit projects to the Secretary of Transportation.
These procedures will supply another avenue that the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, other Federal agencies, Governors, and project sponsors can use to resolve disputes related to agreed upon timelines in the environmental review process.
After Departmental coordination in May, DOT Order 5611.1A was revised to incorporate comments. These comments did not result in changes to the substance of the Order.
Should you have any questions, please contact Camille Mittelholtz at (202) 366-4861 or Angie Drumm at (202) 366-5459.
Thank you.