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Environmental Review Toolkit
Environmental Staff Directories

FHWA Resource Center Environment Technical Services Team

Contact/Specialty E-Mail Address Telephone
Michelle Hilary
Environment and Air Quality Technical Director 860-803-6481
Rob Ayers
Linking Planning and NEPA (PEL)
Indirect and Cumulative Effects
NEPA Project Development
Facilitation/Dispute Resolution
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Section 4(f) 708-821-7215
Lindsay Edgar
Linking Planning and NEPA
NEPA Program & Project Development 405-423-0090
Charlotte Kucera
Ecology and Transportation
Endangered Species Act - Section 7
Interagency Coordination and Cooperation
Programmatic Consultation 512-627-1770
Catherine Liller
Ecology and Transportation
Endangered Species Act - Section 7
Interagency Coordination and Cooperation
Programmatic Consultation  
Noel Mehlo
NEPA Program & Project Development/Management
NEPA Assignment & Audits
Programmatic Approaches & Interagency Relationships
Hazardous Materials 202-578-7487
Keith Moore
Community Impact Assessment
Public Involvement
Context Sensitive Solutions
NEPA & Transportation Decision Making 443-683-3654
Mike Ruth
Waters of the US
Wetland Delineations
Wetland/Stream Permittee Responsible Mitigation
Wetland/Stream ILF Programs and Banking
Fluvial Geomorphology
Culvert Banking
USCG Bridge Permitting
USACE Permitting and Letters of Permission (LOP)
USACE Nationwide Permit Program
EO 11990 Mitigation Strategies for Non-regulated Waters 202-740-2355
Brian Smith
Indirect and Cumulative Impacts
Section 10/404 - Clean Water Act
Stormwater Management
Wetlands/Stream Restoration
Ecosystem/Watershed Approach 708-574-8143
Stephanie Stoermer
Tribal Consultation and Coordination
Section 106/Historic Preservation
Highway Traffic Noise
NEPA Project Development
Community Impact Assessment 303-594-8556
Brian Yanchik
Ecology and Transportation
Endangered Species Act - Section 7
Interagency Coordination and Cooperation
Programmatic Consultation
Aquatic resources, streams, floodplains
Wetland Functional Assessment 443-522-9446
Additional Resources
Contact/Specialty E-mail Address Telephone
Cindy Callahan
Endangered Species Act
Marine Mammal Protection Act 360-753-9078