Photo courtesy of CH2M HILL

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The goals of Step 7 are:
- Reach agreement on resource management roles and methods.
- Set outcome-based performance standards incorporated within programmatic agreements.
- Create programmatic ESA Section 7 consultation, Special Area Management Plan for wetlands, Regional General Permit, or agreements that enable the transportation agency to proceed with conservation or restoration action with maximum assurance that their investments will count and will be sufficient.
This step is about developing the Memorandums of Agreement and project-level permitting procedures in concert with the resource agencies. It will include:
- Specifying coordination protocols for the regulated resources, such as Section 404 permits and Section 7 consultation. These protocols will define responsibilities, document agreements at the project level, and set performance standards for mitigation.
- Developing standard procedures and designs for projects to minimize impacts.
- Specifying mitigation ratios and priority sites (where possible).
- Monitoring protocols of mitigation sites.
- Specifying responsibilities for long-term mitigation site ownership and management.
Documentation. Document all long term management arrangements, coordination protocols, and standard procedures in programmatic agreements.
Want to add your program to this page? Please contact us with your information!
Step 1 -
Build and strengthen collaborative partnerships and vision
Step 2 -
Characterize resource status and integrate natural environment plans
Step 3 -
Create a regional ecosystem framework (conservation strategy + transportation plan)
Step 4 -
Assess effects on conservation objectives
Step 5 -
Establish and prioritize ecological actions
Step 6 -
Develop crediting strategy
Step 7 -
Develop programmatic consultation, biological opinion or permits
Step 8 -
Implement agreements, adaptive management, and delivery projects
Step 9 -
Update regional ecosystem framework and plan
How Eco-Logical aligns with other environmental approaches