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Environmental Review Toolkit


AASHTO Practitioner’s Handbooks
AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence has produced a series of Practitioner’s Handbooks that provide practical advice on a range of environmental issues that arise during the planning, development, and operation of transportation projects.

Community Impact Assessment
This iterative process evaluates the effects of a transportation action on a community and its quality of life. CIA is a way to incorporate community considerations into planning and development of transportation projects.

Conflict Resolution
FHWA is working with the Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (IECR) and National Policy Consensus Center (NPCC) to address collaborative problem solving techniques and develop a collaborative problem solving system.

Context Sensitive Solutions
This process is a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and holistic approach to the development of transportation projects. The CSS process involves all stakeholders, including community members, elected officials, interest groups, and affected local, state, and federal agencies. The CSS process values equally the needs of agency and community, considering all trade-offs in decision making.

Environmental Awards
The Environmental Excellence and Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives awards are described in this section.